Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"Numb" by The Veer Union


I received a Twitter notification yesterday that I was being followed by The Veer Union.

The Veer Union are an alternative hard rock band hailing from Vancouver, Canada.  

So, I'm immediately jealous.  They have a hockey team with a decent chance of making a playoff run.  They have ENTIRE LOCAL RESTAURANTS devoted to poutine.  They have universal health care coverage.

And, they must have the greatest Social Media manager in the universe.  They found me, despite Count Rugen from "The Princess Bride" being able to count all of my followers on one hand.

They previously released a great rendition of Faith No More's "Epic," but, sorry, guys.  Already posted a cover of that one.

Here's their acoustic rendering of Linkin Park's "Numb."

It's great, but I do have one criticism.

Crispin Earl has two other guys in the band, and neither one bothered to pick up the backing vocals for the "caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow" part.  

How will people know that you're caught in the undertow unless you explicitly say so?

Unrelated, but their album designer is pretty badass, too.  Check out the artwork on this one.  With Terminator Medusa.  It's awesome.

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